Category: Vedic Astrology

Coronavirus – The Beginning

Coronavirus – The Beginning is the first of a multi-part blog on researching the current situation. Coronavirus begins its spread in late December 2019. On December 27 Wuhan officials come to know of a new coronavirus. On December 31, China informs the World Health Organization (WHO). Therefore, we will focus on the chart for December […]

Jimmy Carter Vedic Chart

Details for Jimmy Carter Vedic Chart are – born Oct 1st, 1924, 7 am in Plains, Georgia, United States. Backdrop (rasi and nakshatras) Jimmy Carter ascendant and Moon are in Libra. He embodies a lot of the qualities of Librans such as an interest in public professions, a mercantile nature, importance of friends, clubs, and […]

Nakshatras and the Cycle of Life

There are 27 nakshatras in vedic astrology. They start with Ashwini and end with Revati. The characteristics allude to a correlation between the nakshatras and the cycle of life. Ashwini to Krittika Ashwini represents energy and conception. The Ashwini Kumaras are the celestial doctors. Life starts out as energy and the doctors are the first […]

Adam Schiff Vedic Chart

Adam Schiff’s delivery of the House’s case in the Senate Trial of Donald Trump was exceptional. So, I wanted to check out his vedic chart. Below is Adam Schiff vedic chart using the birth information – June 22nd, 1960 at 6:13 am in Framingham, MA. Overall analysis Adam Schiff’s ascendant is Mercury. Mercury is in […]

Prince Harry Vedic Chart

Prince Harry was born on September 15th, 1984 at 4:20 pm in Paddington, London. Below is Prince Harry vedic chart details Backdrop of the chart The Rasis and Nakshatras provide the backdrop of a chart. In Prince Harry’s chart, the ascendant, ascendant lord, Moon, and Sun are in Fire signs. This indicates a lot of […]

Famous artists vedic charts

Can vedic charts indicate fame in the field of art? We look at the vedic charts of some of the most famous artists to look for similarities. The list includes Auguste Rodin Auguste Renoir Leonardo Da Vinci Henri Matisse Vincent Van Gogh In vedic astrology the 5th house represents creativity. The 1st house represents the […]

Gaja Kesari Yoga

Gaja Kesari Yoga is one of the most famous yogas in vedic astrology. The simplest form of this yoga only requires Jupiter and Moon to be at angles to each other. The simplest form is very common and is found in 25% of the charts. Therefore, the yoga is very popular. However, the definition in […]

Gauri Yoga

Gauri yoga forms when three conditions satisfy Moon is in his own house or in his sign or exaltation Moon is in a Kendra or Trikona from the ascendant Jupiter aspects the Moon The native with Gauri yoga has a beautiful body and is a friend of the King. He or she possesses good qualities […]

Exalted Retrograde

As explained in the Retrograde blog, retrograde adds strength to the planet. An exalted retrograde planet becomes doubly strong. If the planet is benefic in the chart, the results are very positive. If the planet is malefic in the chart, the results are very negative. Joe Biden For example, Joe Biden’s chart has an exalted […]

Debilitated Retrograde

As explained in the Retrograde blog, retrograde adds strength to the planet. A benefic planet, in a chart, becomes more benefic and a malefic planet, in a chart, becomes more malefic. In this blog, we look at charts that have debilitated-retrograde planets. Barack Obama In Barack Obama‘s chart, Jupiter is Retrograde and Debilitated. Jupiter dasha […]