Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga

There are five mahapurusha yogas, collectively called Pancha mahapurusha yogas. The five true planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn – create each of the five mahapurusha yogas. Jupiter forms the Hamsa mahapurusha yoga. There are two requirements for this yoga Jupiter is in its own sign or in its sign of exaltation Jupiter is […]

Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga

There are five mahapurusha yogas, collectively called Pancha mahapurusha yogas. The five true planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn – create each of the five mahapurusha yogas. Mercury forms the Bhadra mahapurusha yoga. There are two requirements for this yoga Mercury is in its own sign or in its sign of exaltation Mercury is […]

Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga

There are five mahapurusha yogas, collectively called Pancha mahapurusha yogas. The five true planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn – create each of the five mahapurusha yogas. Venus forms the Malavya mahapurusha yoga. There are two requirements for this yoga Venus is in its own sign or in its sign of exaltation Venus is […]

Ruchaka Mahapurusha Yoga

There are five mahapurusha yogas, collectively called Pancha mahapurusha yogas. The five true planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn – create each of the five mahapurusha yogas. Mars forms the Ruchaka mahapurusha yoga. There are two requirements for this yoga Mars is in its own sign or in its sign of exaltation Mars is […]

Karako Bhava Nasti – Exceptions

Karako bhava nasti is an interesting and counter intuitive concept in vedic astrology. Karako derives from the word “karak” or doer/significator. Every graha signifies something. For example, Sun signifies the father. Moon signifies the mother… Every bhava or house also signifies something. For example, the 9th house signifies the father and the 4th house signifies […]

Nabhasa Yogas

Nabhasa yogas are formed based on the spatial distribution of the grahas in the sky. These yogas exclude Rahu and Ketu because they are not real or visible objects in the sky. Therefore, these yogas are formed by the distribution of the seven true grahas – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn – […]

Nabhasa – Dala and Akriti Yogas

Nabhasa Dala and Akriti yogas are based on the placement of the seven visible grahas, excluding Rahu and Ketu, in houses. There are 22 of these combinations – two under Dala yogas and the rest (20) under Akriti yogas. Placement of Benefics and Malefics Four of the Nabhasa Dala and Akriti yogas look at the […]

Nabhasa Asraya Yogas

Nabhasa yogas represent pattern of grahas in the sky. There are four groups of these yogas – Asraya (3), Dala (2), Akriti (20), and Sankhya (7). In this blog we look at Nabhasa Asraya yogas. There are three Nabhasa Asraya Yogas. These are based on the placement of the seven (excluding Rahu and Ketu) visible […]

Nabhasa Sankhya Yogas

Nabhasa Sankhya yogas are seven yogas formed when the visible grahas (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) occupy 1 through 7 different signs. Rahu and Ketu are not included. These are Vallaki or Veena (7), Dharma (6), Pasha (5), Kedara (4), Shula (3), Yuga (2), and Gola (1). If the visible grahas occupy more […]