Coronavirus – The Beginning

Coronavirus – The Beginning is the first of a multi-part blog on researching the current situation. Coronavirus begins its spread in late December 2019. On December 27 Wuhan officials come to know of a new coronavirus. On December 31, China informs the World Health Organization (WHO). Therefore, we will focus on the chart for December 27 in Wuhan, China.

The chart is striking. Here are some of the key observations that make this chart unique.
- There is an eclipse – the luminaries (Sun and Moon) are weak because they are afflicted by Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are strongest during an eclipse.
- It is a solar eclipse – the Sun is hidden and the Moon is a new Moon making the luminaries the least effective.
- Rahu is in Ardra – Rahu is in its own nakshatra making it strong. Ardra is also a sign of destruction. Its lord is Rudra and its symbol is a teardrop.
- There are 6 grahas in one sign and seven in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. Rahu and Ketu can absorbs the power of the grahas they are with, making them extra strong.
- All malefics aspect Rahu – Mars aspects Rahu via its 8th aspect.
- All visible grahas are in 3 signs forming a Shula yoga which represents violence.
- Jupiter, the only graha, that can save the situation is highly combust – within a degree of the Sun
How rare is this pattern?
Solar eclipses are quite common. They occur 2-3 times a year. Seven or more grahas in an axis is rarer. Over the last 120 years, this has occurred 20 times or about once every 6 years. Rahu is in Gemini only once every 18 years. Rahu and Ketu are the third slowest moving grahas. They move through a sign in 1.5 years. Therefore, Rahu takes 18 years to return to a sign.
Combining all these, I found two other times in the last 120 years that Rahu was in Gemini forming an eclipse with seven or more grahas in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. Coronavirus – The Beginning is indeed a very rare phenomenon. We will see the chart for the other two dates in the next blog.
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