Coronavirus – 1945 WWII

The astrological pattern on December 27th 2019 marks the start of the current coronavirus crisis as outlined in the Coronavirus – The Beginning blog. We find a similar pattern twice in the last 120 years. The first is in 1908. The Coronavirus – 1908 Tunguska blog focuses on this event. The second occurred on January 13th 1945. This blog, Coronavirus – 1945 WWII, focuses on this date.

What happened in January 1945 and 1945 in general?
Late December 1944 to January 1945 there were battles in every part of the world. In Europe, the Battle of the Bulge happened in this time frame. It is the largest and bloodiest single battle fought by the United States. It is also the 3rd deadliest campaign in American history with an estimated 19,000 Americans dying in one month. This was followed by the Battle of Berlin between April and May 1945. Russians and Germans lost close to 100,000 lives each in this battle. Finally, leading up to the surrendering of Germany in May 1945.
In the Pacific, the Philippines campaign, including the Battle of Luzon and the Battle of Manila saw 150,000 Filipinos dying. The Japanese lost 200,000 people and the Americans about 10,000 in these battles.
1945 saw the maximum casualties for Americans and Japanese in World War II. Famous battles like the Battle of Iwo Jima and the Battle of Okinawa were fought during this time frame. These lead up to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 killing more than 200,000 Japanese.
World War II ended in 1945. However, many lives were lost in 1945 and the world dynamics were changed forever.
Striking similarities between the charts
- Both charts show Rahu in Gemini. In 2019, Rahu is already in Ardra while in 1945 Rahu enters Ardra mid April.
- Both charts have a solar eclipse when the luminaries – Sun and Moon – are weakest.
- In both charts, all the malefics aspect Rahu. Saturn is conjunct Rahu and Mars and Sun are in direct opposition in the 1945 chart. In 2019, Mars is not in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, although it still aspects Rahu.
- In 1945 Jupiter forms as parivartana yoga with Mercury. If you swap Jupiter and Mercury’s positions, the charts become even more similar with Jupiter in Sagittarius in both charts. In both charts Jupiter is weak and is unable to reduce the strength of the malefics in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis.
It is unfortunate Coronavirus – 1945 WWII shows that the chart pattern in 2019 (into 2020) resembles 1945 the closest. However, we can look at the events of 1945 to predict when we can come out of this epidemic.
May 7th 1945 Germany surrenders marking the end of the war in Europe. Japan surrenders on September 2nd 1945 marking the end of World War II. We can, therefore, hope to have some relief in May of 2020 with an end in September 2020. I will provide more details about 2020 in the next few blogs.
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