Coronavirus – The End
The Coronavirus – The End blog is the last in the Coronavirus series. The previous blogs cover the start and spread of the virus. I will predict with United States as the reference because we have a generally accepted vedic chart for United States.

The Gemini-Sagittarius axis is very important in the US chart. The ascendant is in Sagittarius and the lord of the ascendant (Jupiter) is in Gemini. Further, Gemini has four grahas making it a point of focus in the chart. This is one of the reasons why Rahu-Ketu in the Gemini-Sagittarius axis impacts the US more than it impacts other countries.
US is currently in its Rahu mahadasha. This amplifies the effects of Rahu’s transits.
Finally, Capricorn and Gemini are the maraka (death inflicting) houses in the chart. The current focus as explained in the “Coronavirus – The Spread” blog is in these two signs.
Indicators for the end of Coronavirus
The solution lies in three factors. The first involves Rahu. A strong Rahu is causing the current problem. The solution would be when Rahu loses its strength. The second is an active Capricorn sign. As the energy in Capricorn dissipates so will the current crisis. Lastly, the focus on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. The coronavirus crisis will end when the focus moves away from the Gemini-Sagittarius axis.
Key dates to look forward to in the next 6 months
Strong Rahu: Rahu moves out of Ardra nakshatra on May 19th 2020. Ardra is Rahu’s own sign and therefore Rahu gains strength in Ardra. Ardra is also the sign of destruction. So, May 19th 2020 will help reduce the strength of Rahu.
Capricorn focus: In the current (Apr 13th 2020) transit, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are in Capricorn. This increases the strength of this sign. Capricorn is associated with contraction and in the US chart it is a maraka house. Mars moves out of Capricorn on May 4th 2020 and Jupiter moves out of Capricorn on June 30th 2020. Saturn will remain in Capricorn for two more years. So, May 4th followed by June 30th reduce the focus on Capricorn.
Gemini-Sagittarius axis: On September 23rd 2020 Rahu moves from Gemini to Taurus. This ends the affliction of Rahu on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis.
The situation starts returning to normal in May – May 4th and May 19th, specifically. I would expect countries and parts of the US to lift lockdowns progressively each week in May. Lockdowns throughout the world are lifted by June 30th 2020. Finally, the coronavirus pandemic itself ends on September 23rd 2020.
There are some concerns whether the pandemic will have a second outbreak in Fall of 2020. I don’t see any signs for that.
There is also concern about a stellium and eclipse forming on December 13th 2020. There is a solar eclipse and six grahas are in the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Rahu is in Taurus and 5 grahas (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Ketu) are in Scorpio. Saturn and Jupiter are in a planetary war as well in Capricorn.
Solar eclipses occur 2-3 times a year. By definition Rahu, Ketu, Sun and Moon are in one axis. That makes 4 grahas in one axis. Sun being with Mercury and Venus is the most common three-graha conjunction. The configuration on December 13th combines these two common occurrences and hence is not something to worry about.
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