Tiger Woods’ Accident

Tiger Woods was involved in a serious accident on Feb 23rd, 2021 at 7 am near Los Angeles, CA. Let us look at his astrological chart to see if the chart indicates this event – Tiger Woods’ accident.

Below is Tiger Woods’ birth chart. His birth details are – born on December 30th, 1975 at 22:50 in Long Beach, CA.

Significators of accidents

Mars and the sixth house signify accidents in a chart. Mars is the karaka for accidents. In Tiger Woods’ chart, he runs Mars > Rahu > Saturn when the accident happens as per the Vimshottari dasha system. Mars is the karaka for accidents. So, that makes sense. Saturn is the lord of the 6th house. So, that also makes sense. Rahu’s contribution is not immediately obvious. One could say that Mars, Rahu, and Saturn are all malefics influencing him at the time of the accident. While this is true, the more telling sign is that Rahu is in the 6th house from Mars.

When you evaluate the effects of a maha dasha, you can evaluate the chart by using the rasi in which the dasha lord is, as the ascendant. In this case, Mars is the maha dasha lord. Mars is placed in Taurus. So, you can use Taurus as the ascendant. For this ascendant, Venus is the 6th lord. Rahu is placed in the 6th house and acts like the 6th lord, Venus. Therefore, you see all three grahas – Mars, Rahu, and Saturn – indicating an accident. This shows a high degree of confluence, which can make it easier to predict that Tiger Woods will have an accident.

Transit chart

At the time of the accident, Mars and Rahu were in Taurus. If you look at the transits from Mars’ rasi because it is the maha dasha lord, then Mars and Rahu are in the first house of the body. This again indicates an accident to the body.

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