Volodymyr Zelenskyy Vedic Chart

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Birth details used for this analysis – born on 25th January 1978 at 2 pm in Krivoj Rog, Ukraine. Below is Volodymyr Zelenskyy vedic chart.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy Vedic Chart

Lagna Vichara

Zelenskyy has a Taurus ascendant. This gives him the physical and mental strength to deal with adversities. He has a sharp intellect, is materialistic, and can be stubborn. The ascendant lord, Venus, is in the 9th house of luck with Sun, the lord of the 4th house. Venus is also aspected by debilitated Mars and a full Moon in its own house. Venus forms dharmakarmadhipathi yogas with Sun and Mars. However, Venus is also combust. Therefore, Venus gives mixed results for Zelenskyy. He runs Venus mahadasha from 1992 to 2012, covering his education and entertainment career.

Sun Mahadasha (2012 to 2018)

The Sun mahadasha from 2012 to 2018 is very good for Zelenskyy. This is because of a couple of reasons. The first, as mentioned before, is the interaction between Sun and Venus. While Venus loses strength because of its combust nature, Sun gains strength from Venus. The second reason is Venus and Saturn form a maha parivartana yoga between the 4th and 9th houses. This gives him Raja (King) yoga. Saturn, as the lord of the 9th and 10th houses, is the yoga karaka for a Taurus ascendant.

In the Sun period, Zelenskyy was successful as a lead actor, became famous as a President on TV in the series “servant of the people”, and registered a new political party in preparations for his run for President. Fittingly, Saturn represents the people and servants and Sun the King. He was able to get the masses to vote for him to become the next Predicent.

Moon Mahadasha (2018 to 2028)

We are a month into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Zelenskyy is running his Moon mahadasha. Moon is very strong in his natal (D1) chart. It is a full moon and is in its own house. This gives the Moon two primary strengths. As a result, Zelenskyy was elected President at the start of his Moon mahadasha. In addition, Moon is in the 3rd house of communications and writing. Zelenskyy uses social media and other forms of communications to push his agenda. On the negative side, Moon brings in the debilitated Mars, the planet of war’s, influence. In his D10, the chart for career, Moon is itself debilitiated, and is influenced by Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter.

Current subperiod Moon/Jupiter (May 2021 to Sep 2022)

Periods that bring the influence of the 6/8/12 houses are always challenging. Moon is conjunct Mars, the lord of the 12th house. Moon and Venus, the lord of the 6th, mutually aspect each other. Jupiter is the lord of the 8th house. Therefore, the Moon/Jupiter period brings the influence of all the bad houses.

At this very moment, from January 22nd, 2022 to April 13th 2022, Zelenskyy is under the influence of Moon/Jupiter/Venus. Venus being the first lord increases the significance of the moment.


Zelenskyy moves into Moon/Jupiter/Sun on April 13th, 2022. Sun is very beneficial for him. At that same time we have a few very significant transits occuring. On April 12th, 2022 Rahu moves from Taurus to Aries. This is a transit (viewed from his Moon) from his 11th house to 10th house of career. On April 13th. 2022 Jupiter moves into Pisces, his 9th house of luck. Finally, On April 14th. 2022 his Sun moves to Aries, its sign of exaltation and his 10th house of career. These changes suggest an end to this conflict around Apil 13th, 2022. That is still 3 weeks away! I wish a speedier end to the current situation and a return to peace in Ukraine.

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