Pulippani Sloka 115 (Ju, Ve, Mo in 5th house)

Pulippani Sloka 115 talks about the combination of Jupiter, Venus, and Moon in the fifth house.

பாரப்பா இன்னமொன்று பகரக் கெளு
பரமகுரு பால்மதியும் வெள்ளி மூவர்
சிரப்பா ஜென்மனுக்கு அஞ்சில் தோன்ற
சிறப்பாக மேதினியில் நலமாய் வாழ்வான்
கூறப்ப குரு இருந்தல் புத்திர அற்பம்
கூளிர்ந்த மதி தானிருந்தால் பெண்ணதாகும்
வீரப்பா வெள்ளி நின்றால் யோகம் மெத்த
விளம்புவாய் புவியோர்க்கு உலகின் கண்ணே


If Jupiter, Moon, and Venus are together in the fifth house from the ascendant, the individual lives a comfortable and prosperous life.

Jupiter alone in the fifth house from the ascendant – possibility of children is poor.

Moon is alone in the fifth house from the ascendant – individual will have more daughters.

Venus is alone in the firth house from the ascendant – individual will enjoy all-round bliss.

Example of Pulippani Sloka 115

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg
Pulippani Sloka 115

In Steven Spielberg‘s chart, Jupiter, Venus, and Moon are in the fifth house from the ascendant. The house is also strong because Venus is in its own house, providing strength to Jupiter and Moon.

Spielberg is one of the most commercially successful directors of all time. His films include Jaws, ET, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan, and many more.

His chart exemplifies this yoga very well. At first glance, his chart does not look very strong with the first house forming an Ava yoga. The first lord (Mercury) is in a negative house (sixth) influenced by Rahu and Ketu, and Sun and Mars, two more malefics, aspect the first house. In addition, there is a papa kartari yoga forming around the first house. This yoga, however, trumps the negative effect of the Ava yoga and helps him become very famous.

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