Pulippani Sloka 117 (No Marriage)

Pulippani Sloka 117 talks about the combination for no marriage.

பாரப்பா இன்னமொரு புதுமை கேளு
பால்மதியும் பரமகுரு 7ல் நிற்க
சீரப்பா ஜென்மனுக்கு வேட்டவில்லை
செந்திருமால் தேவியுமோ விலகநிற்ப்பான்
கூறப்ப குமரியவளில்லாமல்தான்
குமரனுட வங்கிஷமும் நாசமாச்சு
ஆரப்பா அயன் விதியை கூறலுற்றென்
அப்பனே புலிப்பாணி பாடினேனே

Translation of Pulippani Sloka 117

If Jupiter and Moon occupy the seventh house, the native will not get married. Goddess Lakshmi will desert him/her. Without a life partner, he/she will be denied a son or daughter, thereby ending the family line. This is the fate of the individual.

This is only one combination and the translation reads quite harshly. The take away is that a combination of Jupiter and Moon in the seventh house could hinder the prospects of a married life. The chances of the prediction of this sloka coming true are increased if Jupiter and Moon, both, have primary weaknesses in the chart.

Example Chart

Emily Balch was an American economist, sociologist and pacifist. Balch combined an academic career at Wellesley College with a long-standing interest in social issues such as poverty, child labor, and immigration, as well as settlement work to uplift poor immigrants and reduce juvenile delinquency.

Emily Balch
Pulippani sloka 117

In Emily Balch’s chart Jupiter and Moon are conjunct in her seventh house. In addition, Jupiter is in its sign of debilitation and Moon is just waxing out of its new Moon phase. Therefore, Jupiter and Moon both have a primary weakness. Emily Balch lived a long life of 94 years and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946. She, however, never married.

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