Debilitated Full Moon

Debilitation of a graha is a primary weakness for the graha. The seven visible grahas (excluding Rahu and Ketu) have agreed upon signs in which each of them are debilitated. However, grahas can also have primary strengths. How do these grahas fare when they have a primary weakness and a primary strength? We have looked at debilitation and retrogression before. For the Moon, because there is no retrogression, we consider a full Moon as a primary strength; which we can juxtapose against a debilitated Moon.

Moon is in its debilitation state in Scorpio. A full Moon, for such a chart, would have the Sun ideally in Taurus. You could also consider the Moon to be full-ish, when the Sun is in Aries or Gemini. Therefore, we are looking for charts in which Moon is in Scorpio and Sun is in Taurus (ideally), or in Aries or Gemini.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

In Donald Trump’s chart, Moon is in its sign of debilitation – Scorpio. Sun is in Taurus, making the Moon a full Moon. The degrees of Sun and Moon are also within one degree, making it as close to a Full Moon as possible. This chart is a good example of a debilitated Moon with a compensating strength of it being full.

To analyze Moon, let us consider the period in which Donald Trump runs his Moon mahadasha. This is from November 1981 to November 1991. How did Donald Trump do during this period? The period seems to largely focus on real estate deals. Moon in the fourth house of land and property makes sense.

In 1981 Trump purchased and renovated a building that would become Trump Plaza in New York city. In 1983 Trump completed the development of Trump Tower in Manhattan. In 1984 and 1985, Trump expanded into casinos with Harrah’s at Trump Plaza and Trump Castle in Atlantic City. Trump also acquired Mar-a-Lago in 1985. In 1986, Trump was awarded the contract to renovate Central Park’s Wollman Rink. In 1988, Trump acquired the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan and the Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic city. Many of these hotels and casinos were poorly run and filed for bankruptcy between 1991 and 2009. However, these were after the Moon mahadasha and are therefore not of interest for this article.

On the whole, the ten year Moon period shows a large accumulation of properties and brings fame to Trump. He made the Forbes list of wealthy Americans multiple times during this period.

Moon in this chart does have cancellation via the Neecha Bhanga rules, specifically from Mars. However, I believe the additional fact of the Moon being full contributes to the success he sees in the ten year Moon period.

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