Conjunction – Saturn and Mars

It is important to understand how the combinations of grahas affect a chart. To exemplify the analysis, we look at combinations where both grahas are either in their own sign or in their sign of exaltation. We look at the conjunction of Saturn and Mars here. There are only six such combinations if you ignore Rahu and Ketu. These are

In Capricorn, Mars is in its sign of exaltation and Saturn is in its own sign. This gives both grahas primary strength. Charts with this combination can help exemplify the results of such a combination.

According to Saravali and other astrological works, a native with the conjunction of Saturn and Mars will be a metallurgist, is an expert in jugglery, and is a skilled warrior. On the negative side, such a native is deceitful, a liar, and a thief.

The conjunction of Saturn and Mars is not synergetic. Saturn and Mars are polar opposites. While Mars is quick and likes action, Saturn is slow and likes to delay things. Both grahas are malefics as well. Their combination, therefore, can be more on the negative side.

While there are not many famous metallurgists whose charts we can pull, it is interesting to see the charts of some famous band musicians in the “metal” genres with this combination.

Jon Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi
Conjunction of Saturn and Mars

Jon Bon Jovi’s musical style is generally characterized as glam metal, hard rock, arena rock, pop rock, and heavy metal. he is a singer, songwriter, guitarist, and actor, juggling many talents at the same time. In addition, he owns as sports franchise, has a philanthropic foundation, and is a political activist. The combination is in his fifth house of creativity and entertainment.

Cliff Burton

Cliff Burton
Conjunction of Saturn and Mars

Cliff Burton was the bassist for thrash metal band Metallica! The combination is in the fifth of creativity and entertainment. The combination is also with the first lord and tenth lord, both Mercury. Cliff, unfortunately died very young. There is a lot going on in his fifth house with all malefics in the five-eleven axis.

Sam Bankman-Fried

Sam Bankman-Fried
Conjunction of Saturn and Mars

Sam Bankman-Fried’s chart epitomizes the negative qualities of this combination. He has the combination in the ninth house with the first lord (Venus) and the tenth lord (Saturn). Sam ran a fraudulent crypto currency exchange. It is interesting that crypto is modern “mining”, instead of the “metallurgy” given in Saravali. In Nov 2023, Sam was found guilty of seven counts of fraud and conspiracy.

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