Conjunction – Saturn and Venus

It is important to understand how the combinations of grahas affect a chart. To exemplify the analysis, we look at combinations where both grahas are either in their own sign or in their sign of exaltation. We look at the conjunction of Saturn and Venus here. There are only six such combinations if you ignore Rahu and Ketu. These are

In Libra, Saturn is in its sign of exaltation and Venus is in its own sign. This gives both grahas primary strength. Charts with this combination can help exemplify the results of such a combination.

According to Saravali, a native with conjunction of Saturn and Venus in their chart is an expert in breaking wood, a barber, sculptor, or boxer. The native is intent on wandering and is the owner of quadrupeds. What does this mean in today’s terms? Breaking wood and boxer can be interpreted as strength and involvement in contact sports. Sculptor and barber could be interpreted as a creative energy, but one that requires patience and long hours. Owner of quadrupeds, would mean owning many vehicles today. Finally, wanderings would indicate someone who moves around quite a lot.

Aaron Rodgers

Aaron Rodgers
Conjunction Saturn and Venus

Aaron Rodgers is among and greatest and most talented quarterbacks in American Football. He has physical strength and is a talented sportsman in a contact sport. He was born in California, became famous playing for Green Bay Packers in Wisconsin, and now plays for the New York Jets. Aaron Rodgers owns or has owned homes in California, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Texas, and Tennessee. He also travels to Peru and other places in search of alternative medicines.

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